RAM Finger Grip Mount for Motorcycles

  • 10/30/2018

Looking for a more permanent mount for my phone on my new motorcycle I came across the RAM Finger Grip mount. It’s a simple clamp to install on the bars and holds the phone securely on all 4 sides. The RAM ball mounts make it easy to reposition it just right.

RAM Finger Mount

The trickiest part is custom fitting the phone to the mount, made a little more difficult as there were no instructions in the kit. It was easy to find a diagram online.

RAM Finger Grip Mount with phone

The kit comes with two sizes of top / bottom mounts, and 3 sizes of side clips so you can custom fit it to your device. It’s a matter of trial and error to find the correct location so the clips do not fall on buttons on the side of the phone. For my iPhone 8S in an Otter case it took the larger top / bottom clamps and the middle sized side clips.

RAM Finger Grip Mount position

The mount seems very secure, the spring clips are quite robust and have vinyl covers to protect the device. It’s solid when clamped in. There are no screw clamps to deal with so it’s easy to pop the phone in and out of the mount to take photos.

RAM Finger Grip Mount with phone

As this mount moved the phone closer in I was able to use existing wire harness clamps to run the accessory USB port so not zip ties were needed – nice and clean. A 6 inch phone cord makes the link to power.

Amazon.com: RAM MOUNTS (RAM-B-174-UN4U Combination Brake/Clutch Reservoir U-Bolt Mount with Universal Finger-Grip Holder: Automotive(http://miles-by-motorcycle.com/51999/links/64822/amazon-com–ram-mounts–ram-b-174-un4u-combination-brake-clutch-reservoir-u-bolt-mount-with-universal-finger-grip-holder–automotive)

Wayne BuschAmerica Rides Maps

Wayne Busch searches out the most entertaining roads in the Blue Ridge Mountains then records them on a series of maps which span the Southern Mountains.

There are more great motorcycle roads in the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains than anywhere else. I highlight the best roads then show you the best ways to connect them together into rides. More than a decade of searching has discovered more than 1000 good roads to enjoy. We continue to search so you may enjoy.

Review the maps, order online hereAmericaRidesMaps.com

Source: America Rides Maps Blog @ Miles-by-Motorcycle.com

Bargain Motorcycle Tires Online? Caveat Emptor

The most important piece of gear on your motorcycle is one where I often see riders make poor choices.  Riding a motorcycle,  particularly on the curvy back roads of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains,  is an exercise in maintaining and maximizing traction. Your tires are your two points of contact with the road. Losing traction on either of them can quickly have severe consequences.

Too often though, I stumle across discussions where the emphasis is on finding the cheapest tires with the longest lifespan, and buyers often turn to online discount outlets to purchase them. If you’re buying a newly released tire online, you’ll probably do OK. If you are buying an old stand-by tire however, you may not be getting such a bargain after all.


How fresh are your tires? Look for this code. This tire was manufactured in the 40th week of 2008.

Tires have a shelf life. The rubber compounds degrade with time, becoming harder and loosing flexibility. High performance tires may have a shelf life of less than 2 years. Sport bike tires are usually good for about 3 years. Touring bike tires may go as long as 5 years before they are degraded to where performance is affected.

The problem one can run into buying online is you have no way of knowing how old the tires you purchase are. It’s very possible they’ve been sitting in a wharehouse for years. Much of their life has been used up before they were ever mounted.

I once bought a 6 year old bike which had 600 miles on the original tires. Great deal. I quickly noticed a steering wobble that had me wondering if I’d been duped. It rapidly got worse and worse. All thoughts of causes ran through my mind, none of them good. The first remedy was to try fresh tires. It was an immediate cure.


This tire was produced in the 12th week of 2010. Note the difference in the appearance of the rubber - you can see in the photos which tire looks older.

The old tires looked brand new. They had very few miles on them. Time had taken it’s toll, and I was concerned at how quickly they got to approaching dangerous levels of performance.

So how do you know how old a tires is? It’s listed on the tire. Amongst all that DOT code, manufacturer info, and branding, look for a small rounded rectagle with 4 numbers in it. The first 2 numbers are the week the tire was manufactured, the second two the year. For example, 44/10 indicates the tire was made in the 44th week of 2010.

I believe it’s best to buy tires from a local shop where you can see what you’re getting. As important as they are to your safety and riding enjoyment, insuring you have fresh tires should be standard practice for good motorcycle riders. Old tires may be cheaper, but there’s a good reason for it.


Wayne Busch
Wayne Busch – Cartographer
– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – AmericaRidesMaps.com 

Motorcycle gear review – Liberty Sport Motorcycle Sunglasses

I’ve really come to like these sunglasses a lot. They easily adapt for motorcycle riding and the inserts make a big difference. The lens quality is superb. I don’t leave the house without them anymore.

Liberty Sport – www.libertysport.com


Wayne Busch
Wayne Busch – Cartographer
– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – AmericaRidesMaps.com 

Video Camera Survives Drop from Speeding Motorcycle

When my GoPro video camera falls off my motorcycle I find it in pieces –


I’ve been shooting a lot of video from my motorcycle recently to prepare for the launch of a new program where you can get short videos about motorcycle riding in the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains delivered via email. It’s pretty cool, I think you’ll like it a lot. It’s something you choose to sign up for, and you can cancel it at any time. There’s no spam or advertising, no sharing your name or info, it’s all private and secure.

I’ll be featuring motorcycle friendly places to stay (especially those that offer you a discount), sharing some of my favorite Smoky Mountain motorcycle rides, telling you about great motorcycle products I’ve tested (like my GoPro HD video cameras, Liberty Sport Motorcycle Sunglasses, etc.) and showing you different sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway to help you plan your motorcycle vacation travels and make the best use of your precious motorcycle riding time.

Image - Smoky Mountain Rider

Smoky Mountain Motorcycle Rider - It's All Here

I’ve got 8 videos in the works now and plan to launch the Smoky Mountain Rider Motorcycle Video Ride Guide in about a week. (you can sign up for it now at www.smokymountainrider.com)

I’ll be doing a more thorough review of the GoPro Hero HD cameras in one of those videos, but if you want to know more about them now go to http://gopro.com/products/ . If you want to buy one, I urge you to get the motor sports package –  (not the helmet package), you’ll get more mounts for your bike.

I’m really excited about the Smoky Mountain Rider Motorcycle Video Ride Guide, I’ll be putting a lot of effort into bringing you the most useful info I can about motorcycle riding in the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains. Go ahead and sign up now.

PS – I sent this video to GoPro and they’re sending me the part I lost at NO CHARGE!  They’ve have always provided me great service.


Wayne Busch
Wayne Busch – Cartographer
– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – AmericaRidesMaps.com 

Cycle Sportz in Swannanoa, NC – Great Prices, Great Service, minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway

Photo - Cycle Sportz Motorcycle Shop

Cycle Sportz Motorcycle Shop in Swannanoa, NC - just a few minutes east of Asheville

The care and service of your motorcycle is all part of the relationship you have with it. For some, doing all the work themselves is it’s own reward. As for me, I’d rather be riding, and have neither the time, location, nor the proper tools to do the job efficiently. There are some things that I only trust to the dealer. If they’re going into the engine, I want somebody who does the same job day in and day out, who knows every little foible and trick specific to my particular motorcycle year and model. And the little things, like changing oil and filters, lubrication and adjustments, I prefer to do my self. For the rest, I’ve found a place that does the job well and inexpensively – Cycle Sportz in Swannanoa.

Photo - gear and supplies at Cycle Sportz

One section of the storefront at Cycle Sportz. They have a good selection of gear and supplies. What they don't have on hand can be gotten quickly.

I was introduced to Cycle Sportz by Mark Cresswell, one of the promoters of the Asheville Bikefest, Sturgis, Laconia, Panama City, and other large rallies. Having owned a motorcycle shop for many years, he knows quality work and a good shop when he sees one. His recommendation was sound and now it’s my turn to pass it along to you.

Photo - the shop area at Cycle Sportz

I've never seen the shop when it wasn't spotless. Everything is neat and organized, the kind of place you can trust to do the job well.

I’ve used Cycle Sportz three or four times now so I can provide a reliable report. Don can be trusted. His prices are excellent. While you may find a tire online at a lower price, by the time you factor in shipping, mounting, and balancing, he’ll most likely beat it. The work is quick, they are ready for you when you show up, and I’ve always been permitted to observe and even ask questions.

Photo - my motorcycle getting serviced.

New front tire done. He knows his merchandise from experience and will help you find the best for your application.

As to Harley’s, there’s probably nothing I wouldn’t trust him to tackle. He’s built many customs. He’s also knowledgeable with BMW’s and there’s always one or two in the shop. You’ll also see a lot of custom sport bikes in these photos. Don and his staff are versatile and knowledgable.

Photo - installing my new chain

A fresh rear tire, new chain and sprockets going on. So shiny on my dirty bike.

In at 10, out by 11, and ready to go with everything clean and shiny once finished. I drive by several shops and my dealer just to have Don and team do my service.

Photo - wrapping up the job

Quality parts and a little bling. Now to scrub in those new tires on the way home. Happiness!

Cycle Sportz is located on Hwy 70 just a few miles east of Asheville. Exit I-40 at exit 55, then turn right at the traffic light. It’s just a few miles up the road. The nearest Blue Ridge Parkway exit is US 74 which is within sight of I-40. Go east to the next exit. It’s a handy place to know about if you need something while passing through on your Blue Ridge Parkway motorcycle vacation.  Put (828) 298-7888 in your cell phone just in case.

Quality work, great prices, and efficient service. Wayne recommends Cycle Sportz.


Wayne Busch

Wayne Busch - Cartographer


– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – AmericaRidesMaps.com


Motorcycle Gear Review – Fieldsheer Mercury 2.0 Pants – I’m Liking Them in the Mountains

A sunny day, blue skies, balmy temps, what a great day for a spin on the motorcycle. We all revel in such opportunities, but when it comes to motorcycle vacation plans, your schedule does not always fall on those perfect days. All too often the weather is questionable, and with limited time you set off to make the most of it come what may.


Don't let a rain storm ruin your travels. With the right gear, you just keep on going.

I’ve given up on counting on the predictions. There are days when I must ride regardless. With most of my time spent in the Smoky Mountains, you can rarely trust a forecast or plan with certainty on what’s happening over the next hill or ridge top. Best to adapt the Boy Scout attitude of “Always be prepared”. Leathers and chaps have long been retired. Nor can I be burdened with always packing a decent rain suit. A good one is not only bulky but costly. You have to stop and put it on, stow it when wet, I can’t be bothered. I have embraced synthetics and come to value the gear produced by Fieldsheer.

Case in point, a situation I see repeated all too often. I got a call last week that some magazine writers from Florida were in town and wanted someone to show them some great rides. I knocked off for the day, and headed over to meet them. Who can’t use a little more publicity.  The storm clouds were gathering and there was obvious rain to the southwest. No problem, we’ll head for the blue skies to the northeast and skirt around it.

By the time we saddled up and got ready to leave, the first wave of rain had hit up high near the Blue Ridge Parkway where they were waiting. It was still sunny a few miles down the road and I knew we could pass through the shower and get ahead of the storm which would hang to the south. Dressed in blue jeans, T-shirts, and skid lids, they were not only saturated by the time we reached the bottom of the hill but couldn’t see where they were going with their open faced helmets. I lost them at the first gas station as they sought shelter. I circled back, and we waited for the shower to let up to return them to the motel. Their day was ruined. I headed out, rode for a bit, and returned home bone dry in my synthetic gear. How many have wasted their valuable motorcycle vacation time waiting in shelter or cutting things short when they become wet, cold, and miserable from a brief shower? Don’t let it happen to you, plan ahead and be prepared.


An hour wasted at a gas station that could have been better spent for proper gear.

I’m long acquainted with Fieldsheer motorcycle gear. It’s my everyday year-round riding apparel. My jacket, now 4 years old or more is still waterproof, and the ballistic cloth has survived going down at highway speeds without significant damage, the protective armor built in insuring I walk away from spills with little more than my ego impacted. After three years I’d done enough to my old pants to warrant a replacement. The occasional knee down and a spill or two had loosened the stitching in the crotch and I had a minor leak. Santa blessed me with a new pair of Mercury 2.0 pants, and after six months, I can give them a preliminary rating – stellar.

The quilted lining served me well through the winter. Comfortable and warm, it has been removed now that the summer heat is here. I really appreciate the small zipper controlled thigh vents that are easily opened while riding. Full side zippers insure that should the temps really climb, I can add even more ventilation. With repeated forays through some heavy downpours I can attest to their being waterproof. Sizing runs a bit large, though that probably contributes to comfort – plenty of room to move around without restriction. The velcro waist bands make for quick cinching when I make those trips into the weeds to commune with nature. The fly is so well gusseted as to be useless as an avenue for quick relief, but in exchange water tight.


Available in black or silver, Fieldsheer Mercury 2.0 pants are versatile and practically indestructible while offering comfort and function..

You can find FIELDSHEER MERCURY 2.0 PANTS online for under $150.00. They’ll serve my purpose for 95% of the riding I do, with a set of mesh pants as back up should I decide to head for more tropical climes (not likely). I no longer plan around weather, waste time parked under overpasses or sit out storms slurping endless cups of bitter truck stop coffee. They also come in silver, and womens versions.

Rain is temporary. Good gear endures and keeps you riding and should be part of your motorcycle touring kit. If that’s important to you, I highly recommend these pants.



Fieldsheer Site: http://www.fieldsheer.com/site2009/IE/product/mercurypant.htm

Other Reviews:




Wayne Busch

Wayne Busch - Cartographer


– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – AmericaRidesMaps.com