This motorcycle training changed everything for me

A Lee Parks Total Control Advanced Rider Clinic taught me how to ride a big cruiser, dual sport, sports bike, or touring bike better and more safely. After 37 years, it has changed the way I enjoy riding any motorcycle, and now I’m working to make this knowledge available to you.


Contact Greg McCoy at

Earlier this year I got a call from Greg McCoy at Greg is an outstanding rider and occasional track racer with an impressive stable of performance motorcycles (see them here). He had taken a Lee Parks Total Control Advanced Rider Clinic and was so impressed with it he felt compelled to bring this advanced motorcycle skills training to the Smoky Mountains so others could benefit and enjoy this powerful knowledge and be safer on the twisty roads we love.

Logo- Total Rider Tech

Greg called me because he needed help. He’d  been working with Total Rider Tech, one of the companies which offers Total Control training as well as other motorcycle rider programs. Both and Total Rider Tech run very professional and service oriented businesses with high standards and great results. Based in Milwaukee, Total Rider Tech does a lot of programs with Harley-Davidson and the states throughout the mid-west. As much as these instructors love the chance to come ride the best roads in the nation in our Smoky Mountains, bringing them in to teach classes is costly. Greg needed to find local candidates to become instructors. Was I interested in helping him out?


Looking back, I might have thought harder before I jumped at the chance. I had no idea how much time and investment would be required to meet the goals, but I trusted Greg’s judgement and was honored he thought I might be up to the task. The first step was to take a class myself, see the program, and experience what it offered.

I took my Lee Parks Total Control Advanced Rider Clinic this summer in Robbinsville, NC, near the infamous Dragon at Deals Gap (read about my student experience here). After my class, I was sold. My riding improved immediately and dramatically. My enjoyment of riding since has skyrocketed. The knowledge I gained about how a motorcycle works on the road and how I can ride it better is astounding.


Altering your center of gravity while turning with correct body position is critical on any style motorcycle.

What most impressed me is the way Total Rider Tech teaches. You don’t learn “riding tips”, you learn and understand the technology of riding a motorcycle so you recognize how to improve your riding for the rest of your life. What you learn you take away and won’t ever forget because you understand how and why it works. You can apply it to any bike, in all conditions, even with a passenger.

Over the past couple months I’ve been studying, training, and shadowing classes. Honestly, I’ve had to put much of my America Rides Maps business on the back burner, a tough and costly decision. I sacrificed time on the road for time studying and perfecting my presentations. Hours of video sit unedited. Digital map formatting was stopped in its tracks. I’ve barely had time to post to my blogs and networks. Everything has been on hold as I devoted all my effort to my Total Control instructor training.

Photo - Wayne Busch and Lee Parks

New instructor Wayne Busch & master Lee Parks

I am proud to announce I’ve just returned from Milwaukee, WI, and Geneva, IL, where I successfully completed a week of training with Lee Parks and Total Rider Tech to become the first Total Control Advanced Rider Clinic instructor in the Smoky Mountain region. I’ve demonstrated to Lee Parks I have the extensive foundation knowledge, can perform and demonstrate the advanced riding skills, and have shown my ability to observe and coach students to develop their skills on the riding range. Greg will be following along this same path to become a Total Control instructor for Total Rider Tech.

Sport Bikes 4 Hire and America Rides Maps have teamed up with Total Rider Tech to bring Lee Parks Total Control Advanced Rider Clinics to the top motorcycle riding area in the nation, the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains.

Last Chance in the Smoky Mountain Area:

While we are scheduling classes for next year, there is one more opportunity to get into a Total Control Advanced Rider Clinic in the Smoky Mountain area this year – October 15 & 16th in Maryville, TN. You need to register right away to take advantage of it – (go here to sign up). I promise you it, regardless of your previous experience and training, Total Control will dramatically improve in your riding and safety on the road. LAST CHANCE THIS YEARSign up now!


Wayne Busch

Wayne Busch - Cartographer

– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here –

Blue Ridge Parkway Detour 2011 – the BETTER way

Photo - At the parkway detour

Which way to go? Let me help!

All things considered, the Blue Ridge Parkway is in the best shape it has been in for quite some time. It received a lot of attention with the 75th anniversary of the nations most popular motor park last year. Still, there is always work going on to maintain this 469 mile long road.

There is one section which is closed for 2011 near the North Carolina / Virginia border as historic rock walls are reconstructed and stabilized near the Doughton Park area. Because of this, the Bluffs Lodge did not open this year.

The official detour routes traffic north through Sparta, NC. There is a much more enjoyable route for motorcycle travelers.

Choosing this southern detour will allow you to avoid the bulk of the traffic which is directed north and avoid going through the town of Sparta. There is a gas station along this alternate route. While it is a bit longer, it is also quite twisty and scenic as it plunges down from the heights of the parkway, traverses a valley south of Stone Mountain State Park, then climbs again to return to the parkway to continue on your way.

You can download and print your own map of it by using this link:

You may also encounter some brief delays here and there, particularly between Boone, NC and Linville, NC as spot paving is done, roadside drainage is improved, and wooden guardrails are replaced.


Wayne Busch
Wayne Busch – Cartographer
– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – 

Another Great Smoky Mountain Motorcycle Ride

photo-silversteen-rd-meets US-64

The junction with US 64 is marked by a Citgo Station

Silversteen Road is one of those roads  you want to keep in your pocket – it’s almost so good I’ve been tempted to keep it to myself. But after riding it again this week, I’ve just got to share it so you can enjoy it too.

Silversteen Road intersects US 64 between Rosman and Sapphire, NC. The junction is well marked by a convenient landmark gas station. About half way through Silversteen Road, it makes a turn so sharp it doubles back on itself where it meets Macendonia Church Road. If you don’t make the turn to stay on Silversteen Road, Macendonia Church Road will lead you out to NC 215, another outsanding ride which crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway.


Imagine miles and miles of curves like this one - a.k.a. Silversteen Road

If you stay on Silversteen Road it runs into NC 281, another fabulous Smoky Mountain Motorcycle Ride and another of my favorites. I typically follow NC 281 north to Tuckaseegee or use it to connect to Charlies Creek Road to reach NC 215 (so many good choices in the area).

I’m attracted to Silversteen Road for it’s challenge – it’s every bit as twisty as the infamous Dragon at Deals Gap. In fact, it’s more difficult as the road seems a bit narrower and the pavement is not up to the quality you find at the Dragon. It sees very little traffic, but the trade off is you’ll find a few potholes and some gravel in the road where unpaved side roads and driveways connect to it. It also has some very sneaky descending radius turns you’ll want to be prepared for so you don’t get in over your head.

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The curves on Silversteen Road never let up.

The ride holds a few scenic areas, particularly where it runs along the bank of what could be the Horsepasture River, but your eyes had better be on the road, not the scenery. It will give you all the challenge you want, maybe more.

You’ll find Silversteen Road on America Rides Maps Map #6 – The Best Motorcycle Rides EAST of Great Smoky Mountains National Park along with all the other great rides in the area, more than 50 great motorcycle rides in this small but beautiful area of the “Land of the Waterfalls”.


Wayne Busch

Wayne Busch - Cartographer

Total Rider Tech Logo

Learn Total Control

– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here –

Wayne is an advanced motorcycle instructor for Total Rider Tech teaching Lee Parks Total Control Advanced Rider Courses. It’s time you looked into advanced rider training to ride more confidently and safely, it will change your mountain riding experience. It worked so well for me I became an instructor! Total Rider Tech
