View heading down from the Blue Ridge Parkway at Soco Gap on US 19 towards Maggie Valley. The hills are really lighting up now.
The weatherman paid me back for that prior post by starting this “sunny day” with fog, clouds, and rain. I stand by what I said – never believe what’s forecasted. It’s OK, the day was shot anyway as I waited for a mid-day phone call that never came. I used the office time to get caught up.

I snapped this photo at the exit ramp at Soco Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I only spent a few minutes driving around admiring the leaves. Great colors are almost everywhere.
The rain gave way to bright sunshine and cool breezy weather after lunch. I finally grew weary of working on the updates to the Best Rides North and South of Asheville map and had to get out of the office. Joanne at the Mountaineer Restaurant on US 19 just down from the Soco Gap exit on the Blue Ridge Parkway needed a restock of maps, and I knew there was always great color at the Mountaineer Restaurant, so I grabbed the camera and headed over there this afternoon.

A view from the Thunderstruck Ridge overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is where the photos of me in the Road Bike Magazine article were taken.
The photos I took at the Mountaineer Restaurant didn’t come out. Ever since I submerged my bike and camera in a river while exploring for the Best Motorcycle Rides in the Mountains of North Georgia, the camera has been temperamental and unreliable. I’m shopping for a new one.

I brought the video camera along, but it was a little hazy for the long range shots I wanted. If the force is with me, tomorrow I'll get out with the bike mounted camera and get some of these great views to share. There are tunnels of color.
I don’t know what’s going on with the leaves in other places, I haven’t really been out for a few days. I hope to do some riding tomorrow to give you a more accurate report, at least of the local area. I suspect most of the leaves and color are gone from the highest elevations, above 5500 feet. We should get a cold snap tonight, maybe a little frost in the morning. That will really make the leaves pop – right on schedule.

There were a lot of motorcycles on the Blue Ridge Parkway. My quirky camera only gave me this one shot near the Plott-Balsam Mountains overlook. I'm almost desperate enough to go out a buy a new camera in the morning.
I only spent a few minutes out of my day to take these photos. We’ll see what tomorrow brings, I’d like to get out and ride. Virtual Blue Ridge , the best resource for Blue Ridge Parkway info, has a new leaf report posted here.
– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here – AmericaRidesMaps.com