The weather in the Smoky Mountains lately has been stellar. While there may be a nip of frost in the mornings, by the afternoon the temps are in the high 60’s, the wind is still and dry, and the summer haze that gives the Smokies their name has taken a holiday. It’s been hard not to get out and ride your motorcycle.

This is what the views from the Blue Ridge Parkway look like in mid-November. While almost all the leaves are down, it's still inspiring. Look close (click the picture for a larger view) and you can see the Parkway.
Jackie is in off the road for the weekend (like me, she travels with her work), and with the afternoon free we hopped on the bikes for a “La La” ride. In other words, no agenda, just cruising along, enjoying the scenery, going wherever the whim takes you, “La la la”. You shouldn’t be surprised we ended up spending a little time on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It’s the epitome of “la la” rides.

Cool and clear weather makes for great long range views. The feature in the center of the photo is Looking Glass Rock. The mountains on the horizon are in South Carolina and Georgia. Summer haze and green leaves hide so much which winter reveals.
I’m often surprised by the number of motorcycles on the Blue Ridge Parkway, but I didn’t expect to see so many today this late in the season. While I didn’t do an official count, I can confidently say motorcycles outnumbered cars while we were there. We stopped at a couple overlooks and talked with a few people from Florida and South Carolina who had come north to enjoy the views.

These guys from Florida really needed the help. The map they had was of such a large scale it didn't show many of the local roads. I hope the maps I gave them made the rest of their afternoon enjoyable.
I can’t help myself when I come across motorcyclists looking at a map, it’s the cartographers curse. We ended up spending almost half an hour at one overlook talking with other motorcyclists who pulled in, suggesting alternative rides, and handing out old versions of my maps. I usually carry an assortment in my bag to give away as promotional material and I parted with a bunch this afternoon.
I shot a little video on the ride home to use later. It looks like our winter video ride project will be NC 215. It’s not only close to home so I can get a good collection of shots to choose from, but amongst locals it’s the most favorite ride and one you should know about.
Just because winter is coming it doesn’t mean an end to riding in the Smoky Mountains and it appears as many as possible are making the best of what warm weather remains.
– Wayne Busch lives in Waynesville, NC, where he produces the most detailed and comprehensive and up-to-date motorcycle pocket maps of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to help you get the most of your vacation experience. See them here –
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