Rain. Sun. Rain. Rain. Sun. Rain.
The weather has been wetter than usual lately so you grab your fun rides when you can. After playing hooky on Thursday, I’ve had to make up for the lost time in the office and the rainy days make that much more tolerable. When the weather broke on Sunday and beautiful blue skies set the emerging fall leaves against a nice backdrop we had to get out for a quick ride to enjoy them.
No agenda, no destination, we just tooled around on some of the local roads close to home. One hand on the throttle, the other holding the camera, I snapped a few photos as we went.

Blah, blah, blah, this is all just filler to give the photos something to hang on to. The pictures are from the lower elevations near Waynesville, Bethel, and Canton and you’ll still note a lot of green on the trees. That won’t last much longer. Even today the understory is far more pronounced with reds and oranges coming on strong to join the yellows and purples that came out a little earlier.

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